Dedication of the
Alice Einstein Van Orden
Reading Garden
WELCOME: John Sinsimer, Mayor, Pompton Lakes
DEDICATION: Mrs. Grace Profeta,President, Board of Trustees
Library Open House
Saturday, May 18, 1991
11:00 am
A Brief History of the Emanuel Einstein Public Library
Mrs. Emanuel Einstein built the library in memory of her husband who died in 1902. The plot, building, equipment and books were dedicated in April 1912, for the use of the residents of Pompton Lakes.
Following the death of her mother, Mrs. Alice E. Van Orden operated and supported the library at her own expense until 1953, when she very generously gave the library and grounds to the Borough of Pompton Lakes to be a municipal library. The library was given the status of a Free Public Library and its operation was taken over by the borough.
Mrs. Van Orden served on the Library Board of Trustees. After many years of unselfish devotion to the library, she retired from the Board, and was immediately elected an Honorary Life Member of the Board of Trustees. Throughout her life, she continued to show an active interest in and support of the library.
All were saddened to her of the death of Mrs. Alice Einstein Van Orden on January 3, 1989. In her will, Mrs. Van Orden left a bequest to the library to be used “for the purchase of books, maintenance of the library or expansion of the facilities, as the library trustees see fit”.